Great products and exceptional service make Canadian Agronomics unique in the industry.

iQ Granular Starter
iQ Granular Starter is 100% OMRI approved Organic Layer Poultry Compost. This product has proven to be a very effective starter fertilizer in Canola, Flax and Pea Production. (2018-2020 Independent 3rd Party data and Producer Results)
Only top quality raw materials used. High in calcium, carbon and naturally occurring minerals, great for any crop.
iQ Amino-N
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which plants convert into new growth. Some amino acids play a critical role in photosynthesis, the process by which carbohydrates are converted into both energy and new proteins.
iQ Amino-N is a water soluble or liquid organic nitrogen fertilizer. It is OMRI approved. iQ Amino-N is not salt based. It is 100% natural and 100% organic.
iQ Carbon
Certain levels of microbial activity in the soil are critical to efficient plant uptake of nutrients and ultimately, optimum growth and yields.
The basic building blocks of all life forms is carbon, and with the proper mix of both carbon and proteins, all crops — in any region — can benefit from an effective application that provides plant-available nutrients. Additionally, humic and fulvic acids act as natural complexing agents for greater nitrogen efficiency, allowing for lower inputs.
IQ Carbon will help you grow more robust crops, while lowering overall nutrient inputs.
iQ Drive Ca
Growers encounter two types of soil construction problems: soils that are ‘dispersed’, that is, allow too much water, essentially drowning the roots — or soils that are ‘compacted’, keeping water out of the micropores where nutrients are taken up.
Calcium has been proven to be an essential ingredient to building ‘flocculated’ — or properly structured soil — for maintaining critical micropore spaces for root development and nutrient uptake.
IQ Drive Ca adds an important surfactant to carry the calcium where it is most needed, while also lowering surface tension for better water movement.
iQ Micro
There are fourteen elements that are essential for plant growth, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, each of which the plant needs in larger quantities.
Some, however, are needed in small quantities, and are referred to as ‘micronutrients’. This does not diminish their importance, since zinc, manganese, iron, copper and boron are critical for robust growth, color and ultimately yield.
For growers, the right balance of micronutrients, provided in a re- acted form for ready plant uptake is paramount. IQ Micro is the answer.
iQ Phos
Overwhelming research proves that plants require an available supply of phosphorus from the beginning stages of life to reach their potential.
Most phosphorus is unavailable to plants (becomes tied up) as it reacts with calcium, aluminum, iron and other ions in the soil. This leads to nutrient deficiency, causing a lack of fruit or flowers and decreased yield.
IQ Phos protects the phosphorus from becoming tied up, giving your crops the nutrients they need, when they need it.
iQ PK Flowable
Potassium is in tremendous supply within most soils, but just a fraction (1 %) is plant-available. This means that for most crops, a frequent application of soluble, plant-available potassium is required to maximize yield potential.
Proper potassium nutrition is critical for plants for water movement, energy production, and the activation of enzymes that promote overall plant strength and productivity.
iQ PK Plus
Potassium is in tremendous supply within most soils, but just a fraction (1%) is plant-available. This means that for most crops, a frequent application of soluble, plant-available potassium is required to maximize yield potential.
Proper potassium nutrition is critical for plants for water movement, energy production, and the activation of enzymes that promote overall plant strength and productivity.
iQ Set
At plant set, crops are at the stage of their greatest need of proteins for development and nutrients. These proteins counterbalance the external and internal stresses of development. Nutrients that enhance nitrogen conversion and amino acids that increase microbial activity are especially important.
The combination of complexed and chelated ionic nutrients in IQ Set provides the optimum solution for strong and high-yield crops.
iQ Set Plus
During the growing season, plants are in great need of proteins for development and nutrients to counterbalance external and internal stresses. Nutrients that enhance nitrogen conversion and amino acids that increase microbial activity are important.
The complexed and chelated ionic nutrients in IQ Set+ provides optimum components to enhance and produce stronger plants and higher yields.
Release HA
Release HA is a soluble, concentrated Humic Fulvic Acid liquid derived from Leonardite. Efficacy is maximized when using in combination with other liquid fertilizers, in-furrow application, close to the seed. Release HA improves the soil’s biological environment and capacity, and is effective as a foliar spray, irrigation injection and in-furrow application.
The application of Release HA enhances the environment for the soil’s biology, resulting in improved soil structure, increased water retention, enhanced nitrogen efficacy, added nutrient chelation and acts as a buffering agent for the soil pH.
Source FA
IS a Fulvic acid extraction engineered for the use with liquid applications. Derived from the highest quality leonardite sources, Source FA liquid is extracted from the lightest fraction of Humic Acids.
Coarse HA
Coarse HA is organic mined and screened Leonardite, a natural form of Humic Acids.
Used in combination with other fertilizers, it is an effective nutrient enhancer.
The granule size makes Coarse HA ideal for blending with agricultural fertilizers. For best results, Human Acids should always be blended with or placed in furrow with fertilizers.
Minigran Eco-Sol 1
Eco-Sol 1 is an organic fertilizer (soil amendment) made from raw vegetable materials, and is rich in organic matter. Made via a fermentation process, Eco-Sol 1 is an ideal food source for soil biology.
As a rich source of organic matter, Eco-Sol 1 supplies soil with humus, improving both the physical and biological soil fertility, increasing water holding capacity, improving internal drainage and providing a soil structure to develop a rich and diverse microbial soil life.
Providing Complete Nutrition
IQ products are engineered for ultra-low use rates and are designed to address the specific needs of crops.
Our solutions deliver proven agronomic results, the industry’s highest uptake efficiency, and reduces environmental impact.